by Jack Harrington | Apr 23, 2020 | Business Tips, Payroll Tips
At first glance, this article topic might seem too simple. After all, to get paid, don’t you just take money out of your business? Well, yes, but there is much more to it in the long run as well as from an accounting side. Let’s take a look. The Traditional... by Jack Harrington | Jul 7, 2017 | Payroll Tips
For business owners with employers, payroll is a necessary task that can slow your day and tie you down if you let it. If you’re looking for a way to make payroll less time-consuming, here are five ideas you can put to good use: Employee Onboarding If you hire a lot,... by Jack Harrington | Jul 7, 2016 | Payroll Tips
Effective December 1, 2016, federal overtime regulations will change and may affect how you are paying your employees. These overtime updates will affect 4.2 million workers across the country. The new rules will raise the salary overtime-eligibility threshold from... by Jack Harrington | Feb 19, 2015 | Business Tips, Payroll Tips
If you have workers in your business, you likely made a decision when you hired them as to whether they should be an employee or a contractor. If all you hire are employees, then you have nothing to worry about. But if you hire contractors, there may be some financial... by Jack Harrington | Dec 11, 2014 | Business Tips, Payroll Tips
Year-end is a great time to think about rewarding your staff for a job well done in 2014. Here are a couple of quick tips to help you make the most of bonuses while protecting your business and cash flow. Timing. Would you be better off timing bonuses in this year... by Jack Harrington | Nov 29, 2012 | Accounting, Bookkeeping Tips, Business Tips, Cost-Savings Tips, Payroll Tips
Year-end is coming up for many businesses, and it’d be nice to know what your final revenue and profit numbers will be for the year. Before we can calculate these key numbers, there are year-end adjustments that may need to be made to your books that will change the...